About Ixil-Maya

Ixil-Maya is one of the 21 different Mayan languages spoken in Guatemala. There are three main varieties of Ixil: Nebaj, Chajul, and San Juan Cotzal. Some linguists consider them to be three distinct languages, while others consider them dialects of a single Ixil language. Approximately 70,000-80,000 people speak the three varieties of Ixil.

Ixil-Maya Translating Services

I can provide you with many of your translating needs.

Types of Ixil Interpreting

  • Telephonic or on-site
  • Consecutive or simultaneous

Legal Ixil Interpreting

  • Courtroom
  • Immigration and Asylum
  • Attorney-Client Communication

Medical Ixil Interpreting

  • Emergency Room
  • Patient-Doctor Communication
  • Case Worker Interviews

Event Ixil Interpreting

  • Museums
  • Conferences
  • United Nations

To book Sheba for Ixil interpretation, contact her directly by phone (571-244-2226) or email (thelivingmaya@hotmail.com).